Yeah! Scene 2 is over!
And plus: Sonic the Hedgehog 3 Soundtrack is awesome! Now... the rumor was true after all!
MJ (Michael Jackson) really DID the Sonic the Hedgehog 3 Soundtrack! He is awesome even afterlife! o/
Go go MJ! Hope you rest in peace!
nice how many scece's r u making in eps one
Well... I don't know it for sure...
Scene 1 - The Play or Scene Select
Scene 2 - Quite an introduction...
Scene 3 - "You 'll see it! "
Scene 4 - Master plan into action
Scene 5 - Interruptions
Scene 6 - Clash of an Emerald
Scene 7 - What will happen....
For now, only these ones. However, if I ever need to do some other scene, then I'll have to '-'
See ya'